2025/26 HL Registration Form (Duffield Devils Hockey)

2025/26 HL Registration Form

2025/26 Duffield Devils
House League Registration Form

Thank you for being a Devil! Registration for the Duffield Devil's House League is a three step process - you must complete ALL THREE STEPS to be registered for the upcoming season.

STEP ONE: Online Registration
Please go to https://page.spordle.com/hl-duffield-sports-club-house-league/register/ and complete the Hockey Canada Registry (HCR) Registration. Please be sure to register in the appropriate age group in House League or Learn to Skate.

STEP TWO: Registration Form
Fill out and submit the form below. Be sure to fill i all of the required fields (marked with an *) and select the appropriate program.

STEP THREE: Submit Payment
To complete payment, please send an eTransfer (EMT) to [email protected]. No deposit is required, payment can be made when the season starts.


Player Information

Please fill in the PLAYERS information in the fields below.

Registration Package Information

Please provide details pertaining to which package you are registering for

Parent One Information

Please fill in YOUR information in the fields below.

Parent Two Information (optional)

Optionally, please provide the name and contact details of the player's second parent or guardian.

I understand there are three steps to the Registration Process and acknowledge my child is not registered until ALL of the steps have been completed, please see above for details.

The Duffield Devils have a limited No Refund Policy. Please refer to Section 7 of the Duffield Devils Club Policy & Rules Handbook, available at https://duffieldhockey.ca/Public/Documents/Duffield_Club_Handbook_2021-22_v1.pdf for details.

Additional Information

If there is any additional information you would like to provide or if you would like to make any special requests, please use the box below to do so.